The difference between a handbag and a purse is that a handbag is usually has a larger size, has more compartments for organizing, and has thicker durable handles for carrying heavier items. Handbags are a type of purse.
Let’s dive a little bit deeper into the difference between a purse and handbag.
What is a Purse?
Well, we’re happy you asked! A purse is a smaller bag with a strap that’s usually worn on your shoulders.
Example of a small purse
What is a Clutch Bag (Clutch Purse)?
Let’s not confuse a purse and a clutch though. A clutch is a type of purse without a strap. Clutches vary in shapes and styles, but you hold clutches in your hand or underneath your arms.
Example of a medium sized clutch purse
What Are Handbags?
Handbags also have straps but are larger in size. A handbag may also have thick double handles at the top for durability. The double handles at the top of a small purse is more for fashion than for durability.
Example of a small purse that looks like a handbag
Since handbags are larger, you can carry more than your phone, wallet, comb, lipgloss, and wallet.
Example of a medium sized handbag
Handbags can also hold items like laptops, folded jackets, and tablets. If you are standing up, a handbag will rest closer to your hips because of their large size. On the other hand, purses rest a few inches above your waist or stomach.
Example of a large handbag
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